AGL : Smart Home Display Design

Smart Home Design is changing the way we engage with power

The Challenge
Hive Creative was commissioned to produce a physical display to show new technology relating to energy for AGL. AGL gave Hive the creative freedom as to how this display would look, the only constraint was that all the products on the display were operational.

The Solution
Hive created a physical smart home that showed new technology and how it could benefit customers if they integrated them into their own home. The home was fully interactive with all technology feeding into a voice hub to make the products come to life. In creating the home Hive made sure that AGL's new brand guidlines were taken into consideration when producing the display to create an engaging and interactive tool for education on upcoming products in new energy.

The Results
AGL used the display home in a conference speaking to new energy in Melbourne in November 2017. The home is also used as an educational showcase to AGL employees. The home was so successful in Melbourne that AGL also commissioned a home for the Sydney team.

AGL : Display Design 1

AGL : Display Design 2