City of Melbourne : Cultural Precincts Coffee Table Book Design

A coffee table book design for a new generation

The cultural precincts of Melbourne, including the Italian, Chinese, and Greek neighbourhoods, are rich with history and tradition that date back generations. The City of Melbourne recognised the importance of preserving and sharing the stories of these vibrant communities with a new generation. To achieve this, we embarked on the creation of a stunning 260-page coffee table book design, meticulously curated with archive photography and captivating narratives penned by local historians.

With a modern design aesthetic, luxurious gold leaf edging, and a sleek slip case, the book serves as a visual and informative tribute to the cultural significance of these iconic landmarks. Our goal was not only to document the past but also to inspire younger audiences to connect with the heritage and legacy of these diverse neighborhoods, ensuring that their stories are not forgotten or overlooked.

Taking our commitment to storytelling a step further, we extended the project to develop street signage that featured intriguing snippets from the book, enticing passersby to delve deeper into the history of these cultural precincts. Complemented by a dynamic video and poster campaign, our efforts aimed to ignite curiosity and appreciation for the unique cultural tapestry that defines Melbourne's cultural landscape.









