City of Melbourne : Illustration Design

Playful and immersive Children's Voices illustration

The City of Melbourne asked a crew of kids how they felt about their city.

Their cute and candid answers were recorded and placed into a large book including immersive illustrations and photography created by HIVE.

We wanted to make a book that was informative for adult readers but engaging for a four-year-old. To do this we made a series of fun images from a range of materials that encouraged kids to play eye-spy.

The crew at HIVE meticulously recreated the City of Melbourne on the office floor using polystyrene, icy-pole sticks, lego blocks, scissors and glue, a bandaged teddy bear and an old Test Match board game sourced from a local op shop.

We also created an intricate 24-million pixel illustration—each pixel individually hand-clicked by a collective of HIVE designers.

The result is a book where kids aged anywhere from 3 to 13 can spend hours having fun finding hidden details in the various recreations of the City of Melbourne.

City of Melbourne : Illustration 1

City of Melbourne : Illustration Book 1


City of Melbourne : Illustration Book 2

City of Melbourne : Illustration Book 3


City of Melbourne : Illustration Book Cover 2