Gliderol : User Design

User design is turning a garage door brand like any other in to one that stands for something different

We were charged to reinvigorate the Gliderol brand and find a unique selling proposition within a very competitive market. Working closely with the client from the ground up we were involved in and undertook research which helped us isolate the key insight that led the creative thinking and design. And in turn has seen Gliderol own an untapped section of an otherwise saturated market place. 

The insight that customers want silence along with safety in their garage door drove our conceptual thinking, and female skewed decision makers drove our warmth of design. While most competitors are product focused, we created a brand that is user focused. Using consumer segmentation we developed a brand and suite of supporting material that sold the user benefit rather than just the nuts and bolts.

Gliderol : User Design 1

Gliderol : User Design 2

Gliderol : User Design 3

Gliderol : User Design 4