Henley Properties : Retouching

Product Retouching

If a Henley home is still under construction, we can produce images of the final product that look just like the real deal.

With the magic of product retouching, we can take a Henley blueprint and construct a house artificially using a mixture of photography, retouching and 3D modelling.

All houses are photographed and retouched by us. We spend a lot of time getting every blade of grass perfect, every ray of lighting fine-tuned, so that each photo looks not only accurate, but beautiful.

We’ve developed techniques that combine photography and 3D modelling in seamless perfection. The artistry is in interweaving the 3D elements with photography so that Henley customers can make decisions about purchasing a Henley home with confidence.

Henley Properties : Retouching 1

Henley Properties : Retouching 2