iBuildNew : Brand Positioning

Brand positioning for intelligent new home matchmaking

iBuildNew launched as an aggregator of project home builders and land developers and the tagline “Your digital display village” positioned iBuildNew as a source of unbiased information via a powerful and convenient comparison tool. In 2017 iBuildNew expanded its offering and business model and this expansion has broadened both the iBuildNew product set and iBuildNew customer interactions. This shift created significant opportunities for iBuildNew users to gain additional real value.

With the new shift of the business model, iBuildNew appointed Hive to formulate a new positioning and creative execution of their brand. Hive went about this by holding workshops with key stakeholders of the organisation as well as in depth research into the current and new market for iBuildNew.

With thoughtful consideration and strategy Hive formulated the tagline “Intelligent new home matchmaking” along with a strategic plan and brand guidelines. The idea behind “Intelligent new home matchmaking” fits with the new service offering as IBN cuts out the leg work of finding the appropriate new home design, house and land package, land estate or investment property. No need to search through hundreds of websites and visit multiple display villages- there is support and matching all in one place.

The execution of the brand rollout included the design of the website home page, multiple landing pages, seven videos to explain the brand and raft of services,  EDMS, HTML5 banners, social strategy, templates and all stationery.

With the new brand positioning rolled out to the current website and collateral, IBN represents an increasingly competitive environment encouraging builders and developers to sharpen deals to match with IBN customers. 

iBuildNew : Digital Design 4


iBuildNew : Digital Design 1

iBuildNew : Digital Design 2

iBuildNew : Digital Design 3