Intelematics : Logo Rebrand

Inspiring logo rebrand for a technology company of tomorrow. 

The Challenge
With such a robust and innovative offering, Intelematics felt their current brand did not articulate and represent their company’s capabilities, whilst also failing to leave a clear and lasting impression on people, both internally and externally.

Hive was tasked with creating a cohesive brand that capitalised on the strength of Intelematics’ service and offering, while also helping them define their own position as a brand both now and into the future.

The brand needed to not only shift the perceptions of the market, but the perceptions of staff. It needed to inspire them to make insightful connections with end users in their everyday lives. These end customers (in a B2B2C relationship) should be top of mind in everything the rebranded business does. Rather than being focussed on the technology that they can produce, the business should be focussed on the impact it has on the human.

In addition to this, the new brand should poise the business to take advantage of new opportunities outside the automotive market in which it operates.

The Solution
Following competitive research and workshops with Hive and Intelematics, the position “We keep people moving” was developed to help succinctly define what the company did and to refocus the brand away from ‘what’ Intelematics does to ‘why’ they do it.

The brand direction began with a new logo inspired by the history of the brand as well as the continuous cyclical nature of data flows.

A new tone of voice was developed to help simplify and make the brand more accessible. This was supported by the development of a new suite of images that further emphasised human connection and interaction.

The brand is simplistic and adaptable and speaks to the end user without alienating jargon. It’s warm and human and inspires staff to believe that the work they do today can make real change in peoples’ everyday lives.

Hive also created collateral for the brand launch event. A fortune cookie themed origami keepsake was developed to pique the curiosity of attendees, and told a short story the impact data can make on every day people through a number of different industries. Finally, a short video aimed to promote enthusiasm amongst employees about all the possible future directions for their work. 


Intelematics Logo Rebrand 2 by Hive Creative

Intelematics Logo Rebrand 3 by Hive Creative

Intelematics Logo Rebrand 4 by Hive Creative

Intelematics Logo Rebrand 5 by Hive Creative