Tennis Australia : Partnership Design

This Tennis Australia design takes Tiny TVs to print with this Partnership Design

The Australian Open is now considered one of the world’s largest and most successful annual sporting events. In fact, over the past five years with Kia Motors as the major sponsor, the event has surpassed other Grand Slams in most metrics; attendance, global TV audience, overseas visitation, digital audience and social conversation.

The partnership of the Australian Open and Kia Motors has lasted for 16 years and has had a fantastic and growing relationship. With this relationship in mind Tennis Australia contacted Hive to help represent it, to thank Kia Motors along with outlining details around their upcoming partnership renewal. 

Hive worked with Tennis Australia to formulate the best way to communicate with the representatives of Kia Motors as it was outlined early on that this piece needed to be bilingual. Hive worked with Korean designers and translators to craft the design and copy to be authentic. Hive also recommended a physical item instead of a solely digital delivery to bring that wow factor.

Hive produced six units which were individually personalised that held a printed booklet, small TV screen that played a sizzle reel of the AO, the proposal on a USB as well as the well crafted packaging itself. The units all outline Tennis Australia’s ambition, to accelerate growth and continue to elevate the AO as one of the greatest events in world sport and entertainment.

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