Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign

Celebrating the retirement dreams of Telstra Super members with this creative superannuation campaign

Making retirement dreams a reality
For the past few years, Hive has had the challenge of creating new and exciting ways to get Telstra Super members excited about the growth of their superannuation. In 2013, we stepped back from the reality of facts and figures that are often the focus of the annual report, and we created a surreal world full of dreams and possibilities.

Everyone has a dream
Whether we are young or old, most people have thought about how they'll spend those years after finishing work. We asked Telstra Super members to share their dreams with us, and we chose three that we felt captured the range of possibilities. Dave wants to travel Australia and find the best fishing locations. Melissa just wants to be a nosey, green-thumbed grandmother that knits things her grandchildren will hate. And Chris dreams of taking a world tour to all the venues made famous by his music idols, and then returning to create his own radio station.

Bringing Dreams to life
The members were centre stage of their photographs and then the scenes were populated with photo-realistic illustrations and photographic elements that brought their dreams to life. The surreal scenes were consistent in colour palette, and all included bubbles that linked back to Telstra Super's dots and circular branding. The bubbles evoke childhood memories, and the drifting transient nature of the bubbles represent day dreams and thought bubbles. In our dreams, anything is possible, and we can be anywhere and anytime. The images we created show the surreal nature of our dreams and how in our minds eye there are no limitations. 

An interactive experience
To compliment the report, we created an online experience where other Telstra Super members, and their family and friends, could create a representation of their own dreams. They could select from a collection of images or upload their own to make a truly personalised retirement dream. They could share their dream with others, and then see just how close they are to achieving their dreams with their current super contributions.

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign imagery 1

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign imagery 2

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign imagery 3

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign annual report 1

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign annual report 2

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign annual report 3

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign website 1

Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign website 2


Telstra Super : Creative Superannuation Campaign website 3