Tennis Australia : Get on Court Fast Responsive Website Design

Get on Court. Fast! With our responsive website design.

Tennis Australia created a new tennis format Fast 4! Fast 4 is designed to be quick in nature with fewer sets and varied rules than the traditional rules of tennis. With this exciting and fun way to play, Tennis Australia needed a place to house the ever-growing leagues and tennis clubs that are interacting with the match type and entrusted Hive to provide a solution.

Hive designed and developed a fully responsive website for Tennis Australia allowing individuals and squads to browse different tennis clubs in their area, sign up to leagues, invite squad members using social integration as well as the ability to pay online for their matches.

The website also features a dashboard for the user which is a hub of information on their club, league, squad, payment details and captain information.

By creating the website Hive integrated thousands of leagues and clubs for Tennis Australia to one concise location. The website houses live data that can be easily referenced by Tennis Australia to see how many people are engaging with Fast 4.


