University of Melbourne : Large Format Design

Large format design for the historic Old Quad

Aim: Whilst the Old Quad is under renovations to be brought back to it’s original heritage state and glory, the University would like to utilise the hoarding space to communicate to staff, students and the public, the new space that is to come – multipurpose engagement spaces and the University’s Ceremonial Hub in a very visual and engaging way.

Proposed solution: The Old Quad is at the heart of the University, the most well known and the oldest building in the University. Hence, a lot of history and legacy have passed through the University that is the strength of its brand. Whilst the renovations are restoring the history of the University, we will also reflect and draw on the strengths of the past and highlight the achievements related to the Old Quad whilst also priming people for the achievements that are yet to be made in the new building.

Deliverables: We delivered hoarding artwork that utilities the University’s new brand style. Strong imagery that represents the past and present achievements of the University are visually featured as the hero of the design. Each imagery portraying an achievement of the past or present is accompanied with a short blurb that summaries and provides details to that particular moment.

As the construction and hoarding are also affecting the Murrup Barak building next door, we have also incorporated wayfinding into the artwork to let people.

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