University of Melbourne : Melbourne Connect Hoarding Design

Connecting to a history of innovation with hoarding design.

The Challenge
Melbourne Connect is one of the many success stories that was born at the University of Melbourne. A place that celebrates innovation, grows ideas and enables visions to become reality. Due to this success, Melbourne Connect needed to expand into larger premises however many of their new neighbours would have very little idea of what Melbourne Connect has done and what they will do when the precinct opens.

Given its location on a well-trafficked Swanston Street corner, the decision was made to use the building site hoarding, all 210 metres of it, to help introduce Melbourne Connect to the neighbourhood.

The Solution
In its previous life, the site was home to the Melbourne Women’s Hospital, leaders in medical research and discovery, and a hub of innovation that the new Melbourne Connect precinct seeks to continue. We used this heritage as the connective tissue between the two worlds, creating a branded timeline that celebrates the discoveries of the past and shows how this tradition of innovation will continue into the future.

Various aspects of the new Innovation Precinct are introduced as the timeline progresses, allowing passers-by to understand and get excited about what their new neighbour will bring to the area.

The Results
With thousands of eyes across the hoarding every hour, the future of innovation will surely be a warmly welcomed addition to the block.

Collaboration Credit
Melbourne Connect brand concept by McCann

Melbourne Connect brand execution by Hive


University of Melbourne, Melbourne Connect Hoarding Design 2 by Hive Creative

University of Melbourne, Melbourne Connect Hoarding Design 3 by Hive Creative