Village Cinemas : Concept Development

Concept development connecting cinema and style

The Challenge  
Vpremium is a cinema concept that offers a different movie experience to customers. Tasty hot food like pizza or churros, matched with a wine or beer in comfy, paired leather seats turn the standard cinema experience into the perfect date night. Targetting young professionals and the style concious, Hive was asked to celebrate these differences, explaining to customers how Vpremium can offer more to their next movie.

The Solution 
We took a pragmatic approach to the brief, creating a series of motion and still communications that showcased real Village Cinemas customers enjoying the benefits of Vpremium. A relaxed, informal tone discusses the features, connecting with the style savvy cinema crowd. The visuals were given an exciting, saturated feeling, reinforcing that Vpremium is not your average cinema experience. 

The Results 
Vpremium was very well received, and is now included in every new Village Cinema site. Many existing sites are also being renovated to include the concept.

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Village Cinemas : Concept Development 2

Village Cinemas : Concept Development brand image 1