Village Cinemas : Loyalty Program Branding
Cinema Loyalty Program Branding to make good times great!
The Challenge
After a hugely successful launch period, Village wanted to encourage hold outs to join up to the Vrewards program. The program had given members a huge number of free items over the twelve months, from free popcorn to Gold Class packages, all just for going to the movies.
The Solution
We knew we were targeting people that harboured suspicion towards rewards programs. They needed proof this one worked, and the numbers told the story. It was time to celebrate how much Vrewards has given back to the members. We went out to the member database asking for their stories about how Vrewards had enhanced their movie going experience. We shortlisted down to four groups, with which we created a series of 15 second vignettes that allowed these real members to share their stories. Each story was uniquely touching, showing just how much a rewards program could make a huge difference to people’s lives. The motion pieces were backed up by print, digital and social executions that featured each member and the reward they liked the most.
The Results
- Six months post launch saw 140% uplift in member NPS- Generated over 29% growth in desktop admissions and 46% growth in mobile admissions from members
- The programs total contactable member base has grown by 53%

Village Cinemas,